In the media

The MJ: 'A call for parity at the UK's edges'
As Britain’s Leading Edge launches its second manifesto, the economic, social and cultural challenges remain stark for peripheral rural areas without the economic pull of a major city, writes Cllr Linda Taylor, Leader of Cornwall Council.

The MJ: 'Welcoming Britain's Leading Edge'
Three years on from its birth Cllr Linda Taylor says Britain's Leading Edge's work is only just begun.

The LGC: 'Do not forget rural areas when 'levelling up'
The devolution agenda must move beyond England’s ‘policy corridor’ where infrastructure, devolution and core funding have been concentrated, writes Cornwall Council's chief executive.

The MJ: 'A vital new voice from the edge'
As we prepare to leave the European Union, it is down to us to decide what kind of a nation we want to be. For policy makers and regional and national leaders, it presents a unique chance for us to address regional differences by ensuring that all areas flourish and play their part in creating a vibrant and sustainable new national economy.